You may need an example of a reflective essay on learning experience. What you need is a reflective essay for adults or an example of a reflective essay on learning. The latter is more appropriate and if your aim is to convey your point across or show the reader how you can better use their experience to learn, it may be more effective.
I have used this as the basis for my lesson plans and it works extremely well. I have had people come to the class with very different skills. Some were quite good at music and others really struggled to learn. All of them have different points to make about the experience. This gives us a chance to relate to the lessons and to show the reader what we are trying to convey.
I find that using this method can help me focus the attention of students. By using this technique it is much easier for me to move the focus from one lesson to another without them having to stop in between. There is no need to explain anything.
This approach can be very powerful as part of a reflection on learning experience. It can allow me to look at my own actions. Often the way I think is very similar to how others do.
An example of a reflective essay on learning can be found on a blog that I follow by a young woman who has just become a mother. She writes about her feelings about becoming a mother, her feelings about the day when her son was born and how she felt as soon as he came home from hospital.
Throughout the article there are several things that stand out for me. At the beginning of the article the first sentence states “After my son was born I could not wait to get out of my house, but it wasn’t until weeks later that I actually did” which gives the reader some idea of what they are about to experience.
In the second sentence she describes the feelings of dread and loneliness as she began to transition into motherhood. Then she goes on to describe the emotions she felt when her daughter left home to go to college. She also describes the feeling of being stuck with three little ones and a big responsibility.
When using this type of reflective essay on learning experience, it is important to look at your own behaviour. and behaviours. Do you have patterns that repeat throughout your life that you are unwilling to admit? Are there behaviours and experiences that you feel embarrassed by?
Look in your mirror. What does your behaviour look like in the mirror? Is it a reflection of who you want to be or who you are?
An example of a reflective essay on learning experience can also be found on a blog about the internet. A woman by the name of Meg Barker writes about her childhood experiences with an abusive father. The experience left her with scars.
What were these experiences like? How did you change your behaviour when you had those experiences?
If you have experienced an abusive relationship, will you have changed? Do you feel differently now?
Remember to take time to reflect on the words you write about your experience. Reflecting on these experiences can give you a new perspective on what happened to you and why.
In an example of a reflective essay on learning experience, if you feel the need to talk to someone about your feelings you can talk to a friend or a teacher. If you feel the need to discuss your thoughts and ideas, do so without feeling guilty.
Life is a learning process. It is through the experiences you have had as a child and adult that you will gain wisdom and insight.